The Land of Smiles
The beautiful country of Thailand is nicknamed "The Land of Smiles." And with some of the warmest people on the planet, Thailand as rightfully earned this nickname. Our hearts were captured from the moment we stepped off the plane. These warm, loving people who greeted us with a smile desperately need the hope and life-transforming power of Jesus!
Culture & Language
A wonderfully warm culture, the Thai people are welcoming and easy-going.
The center of commerce and culture is located in Bangkok, the country's capital city. Unique to Thailand, it is the only country in the Southeast Asian region that has never been colonized by a European country. In fact, in the Thai language, Thailand means "land of the free." With this in mind, learning the Thai language and culture is imperative to sharing the gospel with the Thai people.
To be Thai is to be Buddhist. There is no separation. And in this predominantly Buddhist culture, less than 2% of the population has responded to the gospel message.
The need is obvious. And the harvest is ready! The Thai people are lost in their search for truth. If only they would encounter the love and truth of Jesus Christ, their lives would be forever changed...
More facts about Thailand:
Population: 68,200,000
Of the 68+ million people in Thailand, 67+ million (98.6%) are still considered "unreached".*
Religion: Buddhism
The largest religion in Thailand is Buddhism, accounting for 84.7% of the population. Only 1.3% are professing Christians.*